Welcome, Friends

We live in an age where, more than ever, people are seeking autonomy.
An age where people are becoming more aware that the times, unlike any before, are nigh. People are seeking independence, yes, and striving for self-sufficiency. With a sense of urgency.

We have people loosening their grip upon Big Brother, Big Corps and Big Pharma ... with some letting go completely. We have holistic healthers, homesteaders, off-gridders, preppers, stockers, and super-staunch survivalists emerging.

This blog is for those who understand we will never achieve any form of independence unless we surrender ourselves to dependency.
This is the place, and point, where the lines of autonomy and faith collide.


July 31, 2010

Time to Load Up the Pantry ... Past Time, Actually

Do any of you remember talk of stockpiling food and ammunition as a means of surviving “troublous times” back in the early 1970s amid predictions of famines, globe-girdling wars, and an imminent breakdown of society? 

How about the responding argument that went something like this ... “As for me, I’ll trust in the Lord.”


I found an article from two years ago in the Wall Street Journal that does not suggest that we Load the Pantry as a response to coming tribulation.

The logic the article laid out was an "economic suggestion" instead.  

The author, Brett Arends, was saying that food prices were rising at a much faster pace than the potential returns on short-term investments.

And though we optimistic Americans were hoping that the recent spikes in food and fuel inflation would soon pass, Arends laid out logic to support a likely acceleration in the trend ... which has turned out to be an accurate assumption.

No, the Wall Street Journal was not suggesting that we hunker in our bunkers with an AK and a six month supply of canned goods because TEOTWAWKI was fast approaching ... they were simply suggesting that non-perishables were cheaper then, at that time, than they will be later.

Later like now ... like, right now.

Do you carry a flashlight in your car?  You do!?  Is it smart to throw in a blanket, sleeping bag, some food, matches and a lighter when you drive over snowy mountains or the desert?  It is!?

Why?  Don't you trust God?   


We have a God-given responsibility to look after the needs of our families and friends, and to help others in need.  

The Bible says a righteous man lays up in store for his children and his children’s children ... that means we should prepare for all kinds of eventualities, and make sure that those who depend on us do not suffer as a result of our carelessness or neglect.  

Whether it’s a road trip, life’s journey in general, or these particularly unsettling times we face ... the principle is intact.

Brace yourselves.  

There are numerous fear-mongers out there who will seize on nearly anything to get people to cough up money, and the unsettling times we are living in give them plenty of opportunity to create panic.  

We’re beginning to hear more and more discussions of the “end of days” and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy now on national radio and national television ... but does this mean it is time to get wild eyed; act in panic or hook up with some pretense of a prophet?  


It means it’s time to fulfill our responsibilities to our families and friends, use our available resources wisely, and above all ... keep our wits about us.  

Is that inconsistent with trust in God?   


I am reminded of an analogy we've probably all heard, and so here is a shortened version:  There’s a man clinging in the top of tree with floodwaters rising around his ankles.  When a helicopter shows up and lowers the rescue harness, he waves them off and shouts that he’s waiting on God to save him.  

Trusting in God, yes, will be the only way we will be able to endure this deteriorating environment while remaining confident and in good spirits.  

A large stash of food and an AK won’t do it.  

But it’s no time to suspend use of our greatest possession ...  and THAT is the power of sober discernment that resides in the mind God designed and gave each of us.

With Love,
Your Faithful Prepper 
(where autonomy and faith collide)

July 3, 2010

Happy Independence Day

Today is Saturday, July 3rd.

Tomorrow is one of our most cherished national holidays, Independence Day ... and there will be ceremonies, cook-outs, family reunions, parades, and, of course, an untold number of fireworks displays all across our beloved country this weekend.

Most people will start their freedom festivities TODAY.

Are you feeling the same anticipation, and jubilation, as you’ve felt in previous years? Or ... is there a certain foreboding beginning to cloud what was once an unbridled national patriotism that we used to celebrate with abandon.

There are quite a few major annoyances we’ll have to overlook this year if we’re to enjoy the kind of joyous 4th of July that is our nation's tradition.

All of us in the, ahem, so-called "working class" are seeing our standard of living come under duress ... as many staples that contribute directly to our quality of life have become less affordable.

Focus is on a "double-dipping" recession everywhere we turn, and most predictions reflect an outlook without improvement.

To irritate the matter further, we've found the White House administration apparently siding with dictatorial regimes that have long been recognized as enemies of the United States and our American way of life.

At a time when much of the world’s former "socialist nations" have been trying to dig themselves out of the blight of their ruinous ideology ... many in the U.S. are panting to adopt it!

Let’s nationalize EVERYTHING ... the oil industry, transportation, education, health care, energy ... you name it.

There is now encroachment of authoritative agencies into aspects of life, and business, once thought to operate solely on principles of the free market and the private sector.

The way things are headed, given the makeup of current legislative bodies, hardly any enterprise (or any activity imaginable) will escape the purview of federal regulation.

It’s obvious the worst fears of our nation's founders are beginning to play out.

And if you’ve been able to stand the news analysis and debate programs, you’re aware that many aspects of our present situation are self-inflicted!

Our children and grandchildren will inherit our debt ... and they will also look back at the irresponsible lives we've lead and, with puzzled wonder, fail to understand how we could allow the debacle that altered the country’s identity.

On our watch.

We don't even understand how we've let it happen.

The identity shift being perpetrated upon our unsuspecting and complacent/distracted populace was visited upon Christianity long ago, and remains to this day.

The laws of God which were the bedrock of life ancient Israel, and in the early (pre-Constantine) Christian church have long since been discarded in favor of a religious identity that empowers clergymen with authority that supercedes even the Ten Commandments.

The Bible ... God’s own word ... has been subjugated to the whims of deeply flawed Church leaders decked out in religious garb.

It is not hard to realize that all roads lead to Rome.

What we’ve seen happen to the application of clear biblical language in mainstream Christianity is now happening to the clear language of another document believed to be the result of divine inspiration.

At least our founders thought so, and said so.

But we live in the age of social, and financial, planners who have better ideas.

Just as those in control of Rome so long ago believed their need for unquestioned authority trumped scripture ... our political leaders seem to believe their presumably noble intentions trump the healthy constraints of the U.S. Constitution, and the ancient wisdom of the Declaration of Independence.

While contemplating the peace and freedoms we still get to enjoy this weekend ... along with the celebrations, cook-outs and family gatherings ... we should contemplate the personal sacrifices, and the divine intervention, that gave us the greatest, and most basic, blessing/right EVER offered any nation or people.

And THAT is the right ... granted not by men, but by God ... of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The beauty of that concept, and all that it entails, has been defended by all the grit and strength our fathers, grandfathers and forefathers could muster ... and, in countless cases, to their deaths.

May we honor them and the peace, prosperity and freedom we have enjoyed due to their resolve.

We must also soberly contemplate what’s happening in our domestic society and around this troubled world, and realize that God’s favor will surely be our best hope amid the troubles to come.

And they surely are coming.

Our country needs to turn to God ... not only for help with so many of these nightmarish developments ... but to help get rid of these arrogant anti-God, anti-American politicians who are busily strutting their vain righteousness and wrecking what He has provided!

This quote from Abraham Lincoln sums up our current national economic and political situation ...

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power as no other nation has ever grown; but we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own…”

As we celebrate Independence Day this year, 2010, we ought to bear in mind the words and warnings of our founders, and hope (PRAY) it’s not too late to turn this pile of mess around.

We still have a tremendous amount to be thankful for, and to celebrate.

Please don’t let this little tirade of mine spoil it ... I’m hoping you won’t read it until the Monday, the fifth!

God Bless America!

July 1, 2010

Laying Up Treasures

I read about a lot of homesteaders and preppers who say they are ready for anything, and that they have everything they need (laid up and in stock) for "when the shit hits the fan."

When I see that supreme level of self-reliant confidence, my eyeballs always widen in an "uh-oh" kind of way.

As mentioned earlier, and touched upon with katlupe, in another post ... prepping IS necessary.  I am not advocating doing nothing, and expecting God to provide my every need without so much as lifting a finger. 

No, doing our part is necessary, and prepping is necessary.  And most preppers have a tendency to feel like there is always more they should be doing.  

It is difficult for most of us homesteaders/preppers to feel like we have laid up enough preps/riches/stores.  

We are even warned against becoming complacent and lukewarm and trusting in our perceived riches. (Revelation 3:17) 

So, yes, when I hear some boast about how they have everything covered, and everything they need to survive a SHTF or TEOTWAWKI situation ... I am immediately concerned that they have become too complacent and trusting in themselves, and their independence.

This blog is for those who understand we will never achieve any form of independence unless we surrender ourselves to dependency.

 So, what sets faithful preppers apart from the others?  

The simple answer is "our priorities set us apart" ... if we have the right priorities, we should not fear. 

“Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles (unbelievers) seek.  For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:31–33) 

God assures us that if we stay close to Him, we will have everything we need ... but, as He gives us more, He will also expect more of us. (Matthew 25:14–30) 

With blessings/wealth comes responsibility ... and there are blessings/wealth that money cannot buy.

So, how are you ... my fellow prepper ... using your blessings/preps/riches/stores?  Your hidden treasures?

True treasure cannot be found by building up, and laying up, our personal riches/stocks and stores.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:19–21)

All of our preps are conditional, physical, and temporary.   

All of the thought and time spent on "acquiring" is still conditional, physical, and temporary ... and it also borders upon idolatry, but that is another topic entirely. 

Everything we lay up (or store) for ourselves can spoil, or be stolen.  And if you are already a homesteader, or prepper, you KNOW this.   

I cannot tell you how many things I've read about how critical it is to rotate stock  to prevent loss/spoilage ... and how critical it is to protect your stockpiled goodies from all the anticipated SHTF zombies. 

^A protective mindset that is caused by fear ... yet another topic.^

But I digress.

When you gain some extra blessings/preps/riches/stores/wealth, and when you add it to your growing stash, do you mainly think about how well fed and protected YOU will be when it gets bad-bad?  

Or do you think first about your responsibility as a steward of what God has given you? And do you think about how you can use your wealth to help your family, your loved ones, and your community?  

Do you think about how you can thank your Creator, and support His Work, for all the blessings you've been GIVEN? 

Or do you have the attitude of Pa Anderson ... you've filled that space.  You've saved, and shopped, and stocked.  It wouldn’t be there, and you wouldn’t have it, if you hadn’t done it all by yourself.  You worked dog-bone hard for every crumb and morsel in that there pantry, but you'll go ahead and thank the Lord just the same. 

God is looking at your heart.  

Are you stocking physical treasures?  Or spiritual treasures?

With Love,
Your Faithful Prepper 
(where autonomy and faith collide)